Daily News Keeps Policing The Yankees

The NY Daily News continues their excellent job of keeping an eye on stadium money shenanigans.

Ask Not What Your Yankees Can Do For You is worth a read.  Excerpts below.

Nowhere in Paterson’s budget cuts is there a mention of the state’s agreement to fund about $103 million in maintenance, construction and bond costs for parking garages at their new stadium.

Are we expected to believe that giving back a little less than $3.1 million would prevent a franchise valued at $1.2 billion from finishing construction on a stadium that is nearly completed?

Wow. New York State school systems can be expected to manage $585 million in cuts through 2009, but the Yankees’ entire stadium project would crumble because of a $3.1 million shortfall?
When asked about giving back a little to help the state in its dire time, the Yankees said through a representative that “they don’t comment on hypotheticals.”
Of course not. They’re too busy counting their money.
According to Good Jobs New York, a public watchdog group, in addition to the $103 million from the state, the Bombers have received $491 million from city subsidies and $251 million in federal funding. They’re also seeking more than $300 million in additional tax-exempt bonds.