Let’s Go Mets! has three syllables

Before we get too far into the day please remind all fans that the cheer is a nice tight Lets Go Mets not a four syllable Lets Go Meh-ets.

Don’t let the outsiders drag you into bad cadence.

I’m not a fan of the Noise Guys at Citi Field but Noise Guys please play the Seaver version of the Lets Go Mets video often.   The celebrity ones are dumb and Mookie’s cadence is too fast.

Ok let’s practice together.  On three.




4 Replies to “Let’s Go Mets! has three syllables”

  1. We’d also like to take this opportunity to remind fans that adding “OOH!” on the fourth beat does nothing to enhance the chant.

  2. The Kevin James version which made me squirm??? LOL, o.k., yes, very funny, and thanks for remind me just how bad one could make it…

    The addded “who or ooh hoo” or what ever it is that certain guys do, has reduced the numbers of people saying Let’s Go Mets as you can’t do booth

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