Is the Jerry Watch off again?

I know I tend to get in “WFAN caller” overreact mode as much as the next fat guy in a basement…

…the Jerry Watch seems like it has calmed down.

Beating the Yankees and Phillies seems to calm the Metsiverse more than say beating the Pirates and Padres.

Since part of this equation is selling tickets and selling hope, I think this current mini-streak may hold off the Melvin era. A week ago I was sure that the move would happen this week…

…and if the next two are disasters maybe it will.

What do you think will happen?

10 Replies to “Is the Jerry Watch off again?”

  1. They’ll fire him right after the parade.

    This team is too good, and I don’t think they’ll dip below .500 again to warrant any panicky discussions. They should still fire him, right now, though. He’s a poor manager, and replacing him would result in a better shot at the playoffs. even for Melvin, though I wish they’d spend the time, even mid-season, to figure out the better replacement.

  2. what I think will happen, is what has been happening. As soon as Jerry’s seat gets hot, the players turn it up a notch. Although I think Jerry is an awful manager, I think it shows that the players like him, the play hard for him, and they want to win for him.

    1. I see no indication the players like him. In fact, it’s pretty obvious (Maine) that some very much don’t. Besides, what do the players know about good managing?

      They want to win because they want to win. It has nothing to do with Jerry.

      1. Screw Maine. I feel for the guy after all he’s been through, but I lost all use for him after he copped the “They should’ve just left me out there and let me get lit up instead of pulling me that early” attitude. While his determination is admirable, his complete lack of sense is not. You don’t ask your team to give away a game just because you’re too hard-headed to realize you’re hurt. The sulking in the dugout over it was even worse.

          1. More importantly, we want professionals and good teammates.

            Maine’s attitude–as he stated it–was “I’m think I’m fine. Just leave me in, and if dig a big hole in the 1st, THEN you take me out.” That’s selfishness, not productive passion. What do you think people would’ve said about Manuel and Warthen had Maine gone down 4-0 in the first and gotten an MRI the next day? It was a no-win for the coaches.

            If people want to criticize Manuel and Warthen for sending Maine out to the mound in the first place, that’s fair, but do you really think a scratch vs. an early hook would’ve made any difference to Maine’s disposition? There’s a difference between being a gamer and just throwing a tantrum when things don’t go your way.

  3. Jeff and Omar still need to deep-six Jerry. The problem is, given that it is already mid-season, who is available to replace him that would not also be a short-term solution?

  4. it’s obvious the players like playing for jerry. so we may as well see where the season takes us and just not bring him back for 2011. i’ve been saying this forever: the only way manuel comes back for 2011 is if this team wins the world series. that being said, there’s no reason to fire the guy midseason and replace him with another interim guy that maybe gets you close to the playoffs so you convince yourself he’s your next guy (aka exactly what happened with jerry and willie). just ride this season out, see where it goes, and go get THE guy in the offseason, whether it’s valentine, backman, torre…whomever.

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