1964 Jets yearbook: Shea Stadium – Home of the Jets

Mike sent this over to get everyone pumped for today’s game.  I stopped rooting for the Jets when they stopped playing on Roosevelt Avenue.  I came to really dislike them in the 90’s when the rest of the country would get NFL doubleheaders and we’d sit through Rich Kotite disasters praying that NBC would update an out of town score.

They wouldn’t.

I’d like to be cool and trendy and pretend I’m rooting for the Jets today but honestly I can’t stand the thought of two more weeks staring at that fireman.

However, as a capitalist I will tell you there is plenty of Jets coverage over at Sports Police.

Thanks to Mike for sending!

3 Replies to “1964 Jets yearbook: Shea Stadium – Home of the Jets”

  1. Sorry mike stopped rooting for the jets when they left shea. the mets are to blame because:
    1-the mets would not allow astro turf at shea.
    2-the mets would not allow pre-season or regular season games in september for fear of a messed up base ball diamond

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