Optimistic Mets Fan on the Giants takeover of Citi Field

Ceetar was there last night…with pics.

Initially we boo’d, or Lets Go Mets’d, over the Giants cheering, but by the end of the game a lot of people had left and we were cold and there just wasn’t anything to cheer for.  Cowbell Man seemed awfully pitiful with very few people joining in.

via Optimistic Mets Fan.

3 Replies to “Optimistic Mets Fan on the Giants takeover of Citi Field”

  1. Its hard to cheer when you are sitting on your hands and you have nothing to cheer for.

    Lets have a cheer for the game ending!

  2. It was hard to cheer over them when they giants fans pretty much took over the pepsi porch. Was that like a road trip group or something? That was rediculous.

    1. It was. Shannon had a post up during the game about it. Some sort of local bar road trip or something.

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