This Mets post will bring back my readers (Keith Hernandez)

Assuming this hasn’t disappeared off the internet, @CoreyNYC captured this great Keith Hernandez moment

Um, Keith, if you think a 7-4 day game win is going to move the needles at all….

7 Replies to “This Mets post will bring back my readers (Keith Hernandez)”

  1. I think Keith was being sarcastic…I bet he has a very dry sense of humor. Other famous Keith lines:

    “I’m Keith Hernandez”
    “Whose that chucker?”
    “Your beard is weird”
    “Backfield in motion”
    “Throw another fastball and I’ll kick your ass”

  2. It raises an important question…what ratings are the Mets getting? Google search turned up nothing. Anybody able to find this out? Keith’s slip seems to indicate they have plummeted.

  3. definitely sarcastic. great line, and agreed, the booth is the one thing that ensures I keep coming back. beats kiner etc hands down.

    1. “beats kiner etc hands down”

      The way you say Kiner, etc, I get the sense you never heard them in their prime…it was Kiner, Murphy and Nelson. Totally different era…like comparing Ruth to McGwire.

      Kiner, Murphy and Nelson were there to call games but also be a public relations arm for the team…TV coverage was relatively new…yet they did it without being overt homers. I’d love to be able to hear those guys again.

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