A look ahead to what the Mets weekend ticket plans may look like

On last night’s bloggers’ call with Dave Howard I went last.

I asked if there was anything he could share about the partial plans.  My unspoken question was, “Hey are you going to stick us with crappy games we don’t want” but since as part of the answer to the question before mine Dave mentioned those announcements were to come I decided to ask a more general level question.

I don’t want to put words in Dave’s mouth but the general tone of his answer was that they are paying attention to the fans, including some of the complaints.  He also used the word flexibilty.

I wish I had a transcript of the answer but based upon what my registered in my brain and what a ticket rep told me I expect we’ll see something like a Saturday plan being similar to what we’ve had in the past…but rather than the extra games being dogmeat we might get to choose from a menu of games.  So at least it’s choose your own poison.  I might like the Padres, whereas Goon might like the Reds.  At least we’d have some sort of choice as opposed to “here’s September 22nd against the Nationals.”

I’ll let you know as I hear more…but sounds like 10 of the 13 Saturdays and pick 5 others from a menu. All a guess, but that’s my guess.