OK Mets fans time to chill out

I’m an idiot for furthering this, but it already showed up on a national website.

Let me explain Jose Reyes to everyone.

He’s a guy who plays shortstop who was drafted into the Mets organization.

A few years went buy and he was able to shop his services.

Miami offered him a lot of money and apparently the combination of money, location, and the people he would be working with seemed attractive.

That’s it.  He doesn’t hate you, he doesn’t like you.  It’s a job.  Move on and root for the next guy.

Also, if you wake up in the morning with Wilpons Rage..time to find another hobby. It’s those millionaires or other millionaires paying grown men to hit balls with sticks while fat guys like me worry about how the grown men are dressed. Go walk a dog and clear your mind for an hour.  Josh Thole knows what to do (via Daily News)

While Josh Thole spends the winter months trying to become good enough that he will gain acceptance from Mets fans, he has another audience he must also appease. The catcher’s Maltese poodle mix, Picca, has often become upset at the lack of attention he’s gotten since the birth of Thole’s son, Camden.

2 Replies to “OK Mets fans time to chill out”

  1. As Seinfeld said…players move…teams can move…rooting for a sport is like rooting for your clothes to beat the clothes from another city. That pretty much ties a lot of our conversation here in a nutshell.

    Why is this guy taking it out on the clothes? That’s why I don’t buy a shirt with a player number or name, unless they are Seaver and can’t haunt me in any way.

  2. You have taken it to a whole other extreme…totally emotionless…the problem is, if they ever win again, you won’t feel the exhiliration.

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