The Metamorphosis of the Mets Mascot — New York Magazine

By the mid- to late seventies, the Mets mascot has disappeared. Why? Perhaps one reason: Mr. Met marketed to the nuclear family, but in the mid- to late seventies, the U.S. has begun to experience a steady increase in the divorce rate. One could draw the conclusion that the intended target of the franchise during this era has purposely shifted from the nuclear family to the single male.

In 1994, Mr. Met reappears. Let’s take a broad look at society in 1994: The economy is thriving, and individuals have some discretionary funds. The reappearance of Mr. Met at this juncture seems tied to a corporate milieu. And what about in 2012? As the franchise struggles financially, Mr. Met is being utilized to assist in addressing those issues……

via The Metamorphosis of the Mets Mascot — New York Magazine.