One Reply to “Tim Byrdak and the Mets go fishing”

  1. For what its worth, here’s what I think about every time Shannon takes a shot at the boycotters:

    The plot of every 80s high school movie.

    Nerdy kid (Shannon) spends most of his time and energy complaining about all that is wrong with the cool kids (Mets owners/management oddly enough in this scenario). Stupid black unis? Why is their stadium so Dodgery? Stupid plexi-glass partitions? Why do they ignore their fanbase? Why can’t they acknowledge the nerdy kids?

    Then Shannon gets invited to sit with the cool kids in the cafeteria, maybe even a party or two (I watched a game with Dave Howard! he’s really not that bad guys, invitations to press events, some influence in the cool kidsphere- unis, banner day etc.). And now all of a sudden, he’s doing the cool kids’ dirty work and making fun of the folks who used to be his friends. Stupid boycotters! Stop being such nerds!

    The sad part: he’s a grown man not a confused high school kid. 

    Well this nerdy kid, is glad to know what my old friend’s true colors are. Now if I can only just retrain my brain to stop visiting this site in every internet browsing cycle! After 3 years, it may take some time.

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