Mets Banner Day plan opens temporal anomaly

From the official guidelines:  Banners must celebrate the Mets 50th Anniversary, expressing fans’ favorite memories or moments in franchise history

For sake of argument, my favorite moment was the night of the Mercury Mets.  But they were from the future.  So that’s not one of the 50 seasons.  Yet they were honored during the 50 years.  But it hasn’t happened yet.  It’s evidence of a 51st season (presumably of the 59th season 2021).

So if I make my banner about something that hasn’t happened yet I am in violation of the rules…and yet it is part of Mets history so it is within the rules.

Captain Kirk (Shatner not the outfielder) used to defeat plannet-running computers with this sort of logic.

Anyway, if someone tries to stop you from bringing in your banner use the Mercuy Mets Defense!

One Reply to “Mets Banner Day plan opens temporal anomaly”

  1. The Mets will have a record of 20-15, after the first 35 games of their 51st season.

    (1962-2011=50 seasons; 2012=51st season)

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