41 Amazin’ ideas for the Mets #19: Autograph Sundays

Here’s what we’re doing. We are crowdsourcing 41 ideas for the Mets. The ideas can be big or small. Email me your idea at [email protected]. Today’s idea is from Brian aka @meyerbr22


My idea for the Mets would be along with Family Sundays, have autograph Sundays. I was thinking two different ways of doing this.

One way would have two – five players be picked each week to line up along the home dugout. It would take place around the time of batting practice and each fan must choose 1 of the selected players to have them autograph an item so it doesn’t get to crazy. The players would change each week so if a family goes to every Sunday game (13 i think) they would be able to get everyone on the teams autograph.

The second way is pretty much the same format but have the Mets select “players of the week” based on performance. If Mejia has a few big saves or Wright has a game winning HR they would be chosen that week.

I think this is a good idea because one of the most exciting parts of going to a game is the chance to get a foul ball or to get an autograph. I think this would engage the fans and make them have more of a connection with the team. As well as a memory that would last forever, creating life long Mets fans.

*May have to have an age limit to avoid autograph seekers from selling the items.


Stephen had also sent in a similar idea..

Hi Shannon,

Here’s my idea, stolen directly from the Nationals (and I believe the Royals and Minor-League teams). Why not do a Signature Sunday?

The team would hand out vouchers for early arriving fans on Sunday and the Mets would have 2 or 4 players signing autographs for roughly 25 minutes, say from 11:30pm to 11:55pm. Usually the Mets don’t take BP on Sundays anyways or it’s rare since the Saturday’s are night games). Plus that’s around the time Mets BP would be over.

You could do 2 pitchers ( a starter or two that’s not on a throw day, or even a reliever who is not pitching), a utility player and maybe a starter who is getting the day off.

It would encourage people to get to the ballpark early, and with time to kill between the autographs and game time..you might sell some more concessions.

You could even do it everyday with a pitcher like Minor League teams do. It sounds terrible to be referencing Minor League team ideas for a Major League team, but after all Minor League teams make their money based on fan experience.



One Reply to “41 Amazin’ ideas for the Mets #19: Autograph Sundays”

  1. I think the Mets should encourage more player/fan interaction, and I like this idea. If there’s concern about people selling the autographs they get, have the players personalize them or skip the autograph entirely and give fans a chance to take a photo with a Mets player instead. I’d rather go that route than put an age limit in place.

    But of course, we won’t see them Mets do this because it will “distract” their players.

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