41 Amazin’ ideas for the Mets #34: encourage signs at the ball park

Here’s what we’re doing. We are crowdsourcing 41 ideas for the Mets. The ideas can be big or small. Email me your idea at [email protected]. Today’s idea is from @DyHrdMET
Remember why Banner Day started in the first place? Because people were carrying signs to the Polo Grounds (and as Casey Stengel said, it distracted him from managing). All jokes aside from distracting players/managers in the Mets dugout, fans should start carrying small banners/signs to games to show their support. Nothing like banner day where there’s elaborate designs and judging and parades. Just something simple (think of the old Sign Man) to show your support. Save the insults for twitter.



Hell, I’d hire Darren Meenan to be the new Sign Man.

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