Take Back New York…even if the priest shakes his head at you

Snazzy t-shirt from The7Line.com
Snazzy t-shirt from The7Line.com

I just came back from the BEST MASS EVER.

Now, I waver on my religion the way some of you do with the Mets, and I often am just going to Mrs. Mets Police doesn’t give me crap on Sunday night.

Anyway, tonight I wore my snazzy Take Back New York tee to mass.

I really like the pastor.  Cool dude.  CASUAL.  Not big on formality.  He’ll say your name if he knows you (as in “Peace be with you, Greg.”).  He’ll crack jokes if kids start making noise or if is late on the singing, that kind of thing.

I’ve seen him walk around the church when someone else is saying mass, and he often wears a Yankee jacket.

Anyway, I go up for communion and he says “Body of….”

And now time slows down and he gives me a total “you gotta be (bleep)ing (bleep)ing me with that t-shirt” look and then tags on “Christ” but not in the usual priestly inflection.


Best mass ever.  I love this tee.