I’d Just As Soon Kiss A Mookiee 15: overrated Mets moments, commuting to Cloud City

Jason is away so I smashed together some conversations from previous episodes.  Thanks for listening!  About 3 minutes of new Mets thoughts from me at the top.


00:00 Original content quickies: Wright, offense, Verrett, Harvey’s Hair

03:00 The Most Overrated Mets Moments are….
03:01 Santana
08:00 Piazza
12:00 The 2001 Yankees World Series
14:30 Tim McCarver

16:00 What would be your second team if not the Mets?

22:00 Seeing Star Wars in theaters in 1977
29:00 various spinoff rumors. A Lando movie?
33:00 Jaxxon
35:00 How far is Cloud City from Dagobah?
38:00 C-3P0 is misunderstood and awful!

50:00 The Mets 2016 rotation