Vintage Shea Stadium subway light

I try to abide by Honor Among Bloggers which means share cool stuff without stealing page views….this one comes via Tumblr, but I’m not sure where the original source is…so you guys just check out Hotfoot and YaGottaBelieve and check out their other goodies.

There’s also a Mets Police tumblr that I use in season (it’s easier to post pics when I am at a game) but it’s dormant during the snow.

Completely unrelated, I like the shows my littlest watches (Dora types) better than all this Disney/Nick stuff the others like.

Paul goofs on the 1992 Mets season ticket form

I told you that Paul’s Random Baseball Stuff has the early lead for the Mazzilli Award for Blog of the Year 2011*, but now I am starting to think that Paul is really me.

Read this post which has a screenshot of the 1992 Mets season ticket form and some social observation on the Saturday+ plans (wow didn’t realize that crap is a 20 year tradition!) – I’m pretty sure I wrote it.

I may have to give Paul the secret logins..if I get hit by an asteroid maybe he can just take over the cowl.

Paul and I seem to be on the same page since my plans for the day are

a) go do some Actual Exercise

b) clean out my shannon@metspolice inbox and post all the pics folks sent in last week

c) make some posts out of the stuff I pulled off my shelf – 1980 yearbook, “Surf’s” history of Mets baseball cards etc.

I’ve also worked far ahead on the site (got some road trips coming up) and it looks like I have enough to get all the way to Spring Training…that’s awesome.  I’m in a “too much content” mode this week, but road-trips away from the laptop have a way of making the surplus disappear quickly.

Go read Paul…and to think we were glad Bud Harrelson was gone.

Blog of the Year is challenging.   This time last year I don’t think the 2010 winner The Apple even existed…and Stadium Insider crushed 2009 before real life got in the way.

Fear of a Black Mets Hat

I missed this one from back when we were at “war” with The Apple.  Hilarious.  I watched it like 5 times.

I like that thing Randy does where he promotes his website at the end of the video. I wish we were that smart around here.