I told you that Paul’s Random Baseball Stuff has the early lead for the Mazzilli Award for Blog of the Year 2011*, but now I am starting to think that Paul is really me.
Read this post which has a screenshot of the 1992 Mets season ticket form and some social observation on the Saturday+ plans (wow didn’t realize that crap is a 20 year tradition!) – I’m pretty sure I wrote it.
I may have to give Paul the secret logins..if I get hit by an asteroid maybe he can just take over the cowl.
Paul and I seem to be on the same page since my plans for the day are
a) go do some Actual Exercise
b) clean out my shannon@metspolice inbox and post all the pics folks sent in last week
c) make some posts out of the stuff I pulled off my shelf – 1980 yearbook, “Surf’s” history of Mets baseball cards etc.
I’ve also worked far ahead on the site (got some road trips coming up) and it looks like I have enough to get all the way to Spring Training…that’s awesome. I’m in a “too much content” mode this week, but road-trips away from the laptop have a way of making the surplus disappear quickly.
Go read Paul…and to think we were glad Bud Harrelson was gone.
Blog of the Year is challenging. This time last year I don’t think the 2010 winner The Apple even existed…and Stadium Insider crushed 2009 before real life got in the way.