My #QBC15 thanks, thoughts, and what’s next


I have been typing and retweeting for four straight hours now and my hands are sore.  I’m a little “hungover” and still blown away by the reaction.

I’m struggling to find the right words for any of my emotions, so I am going to just type and see what lands.  Please know that as I type, my thoughts are about how awesome all of YOU are, and nothing in this post is meant to be self-congratulatory.

I don’t even know where to begin so in no particular order….

THANKS!  I am afraid to start typing names here for fear of leaving someone out.  So many people helped behind the scenes.  These volunteers just gave their time out of love for the project.  Panelists, vendors, baseball players, baseball teams, mascots…..  Thank you all!


THANKS FOR THE PRESENTS.  While in Thank You mode, I received several nice gifts from attendees and vendors.  I have some really nice additions for the MPHQ Office and will be sharing them.  Thank you guys!


ED CHARLES.  I caught some dust in my eye during Ed.  I think a fellow 40-something did too, we exchanged knowing glances in that Manly Way and went back to getting the dust out.  I hope you were there for Ed and the Gil Hodges Unforgettable Fire Award.  This was just special, and as I said earlier I anticipate Greg Prince will do a fine recap on Faith & Fear and I’ll probably steal 17 paragraphs from that.


JERSEY PARADE.  It’s such stupid fun.  Thanks for playing along!


PANELS I was in and out of the panels all day, didn’t get to catch as much as I wanted.  I heard Backman was incredible and the Rubin panel was really strong.  I had a great time on my three, and will do a separate post about the retired numbers panel in a few days.



We’re all tired today.  We don’t have a date planned.  I personally have had a few discussions about having one and what it might look like, but it’s so early that it’s not even early yet.



We captured a lot of the day in various media and I have a plan on how to deploy it.  Candidly I don’t have it in me today to process things, and wouldn’t have the time if I have the energy.  I’ll probably be able to announce a deployment plan tomorrow.  Which panel would you like me to process first?



And of course thanks to Keith @mediagoon Blacknick and the less visible Dan @dtwohig Twohig for the enormous behind the scenes contributions and hard work.  (Also Media Goon Sis who is even less visible).   I do most of the blogging and thus get more pats on the back than I deserve, but those guys did all the real work.


Anyway, that’s my rambling.  Gonna put the laptop away for a few hours so my thumbs stop aching.  Thanks!!


One Reply to “My #QBC15 thanks, thoughts, and what’s next”

  1. Congratulations and great job.  You could have the same panelists and topics next year, and I’ll be there.  Everyone was interesting and knowledgeable.  I was inspired me to dip into some of my Mets books on my bookshelf last night.  And kudos to the Mets executives who participated.  Well done all around.

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