All hail the great Phil Mushnick who has a big enough forum to call the Mets on the carpet for their latest obscenity. Of course Phil does this all the time and nothing ever happens (well the football stadium won’t have a Nazi name, that’s a small victory) – but here is Phil’s latest policing of the Mets who are charging one fan $240 for “handling!”
Lee Livingston, of North Brunswick, N.J., this week received his bill for Mets
‘ postseason tickets. He has four box seats, Shea’s third most expensive. This year he paid $33,300 for his regular season tickets. He has had them for decades, thus he’s conditioned to anticipate postseason sticker shock. This time, his autumnal ticket bill is $9,000.
But this time it was the “handling” fee that blew him away. Ready? Two hundred and forty dollars!
In July, he informed the Mets that he will not be renewing. He has the documentation, yet the club hit his credit card for $5,670 as a non-refundable down payment on next year’s seats. This has been explained to him as a “misunderstanding,” although the issue is not yet resolved.
While many things can be explained as misunderstandings, a ticket invoice that reads, “HANDLING $240,” is not open to interpretation. “For $200,” said Livingston, “I could send a limo to pick up the tickets, but they won’t allow that.”