Football at Citi Field?

Newsday says the UFL (a doomed fall football league) will field a team at C-Field.
I’m no expert (yet) in C-Field, but I’m not sure how well the new place will work for football.
This UFL plans to play in the fall, and for season one the four (count ’em four) teams will each split cities.
So look forward to the New York/Hartford Whatevers playing some games in Flushing come the fall.
Nobody loved the USFL more than I did, and I even supported the XFL (and still do) – but I just don’t see the New York-Hartford Whatevers getting much attention against the PSLers in NJ.
If there is an opportunity for a second football league it’s in the spring.  Right now when not much else is going on.  The USFL had it right, they just didn’t wait around long enough for ESPN to get big enough to covet any and all programming.
The UFL will be on Versus, the popular home of the NHL.
The NYH’s will take on other combinations suck as the Los Angeles-Las Vegases, the San Francisco Sacramentos and Just Orlando.     All alternative football leagues need to have a team in Orlando.  Where’s Birmingham?