If Not The Wilpons Owning The New York Mets, Who?

So say the Wilpons do sell. Who might the owners be?

We wouldn't want the Dolans/Cablevision. See Knicks. Also I would
fear SNY being run with the same quality and price tier that
Sportschannel was. Why pay Darling when you can have Fran Healy?

Mark Cuban? Nuts rich and likes bloggers. Could be good. At least

Jets ownership? No thanks.

Faceless investment group? I'd rather stay with the devil I know.

Any other names being thrown around?

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3 Replies to “If Not The Wilpons Owning The New York Mets, Who?”

  1. I think Mark Cuban would be great, but if they didn't let him buy the Cubs why would they let him buy the Mets?

  2. Marc Utay. He's a NYC based investor who put together what looks like it'll end up being the runner up bid for the purchase of the Cubs.

    Buying a Major League team requires liquidity of about $1 billion. There are two flavors of people with access to that kind of money: the kind who made it themselves, and the kind who inherited it. Look at the older vs. younger generations of Wilpons and Dolans to see the difference between the two. I just hope that the next owner of the Mets falls in the self-made category, as they'll take it much more seriously…

  3. how about a public group – let's all chip in and buy a few percentages of them. there's got to be a few thousand of us that can do that.

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