Thanks to Jimmy the Mets fan for sending these over. Take it away Jim…
We were treated well and it was interesting to see the
fancy suites that I can’t afford and will never be in again.
The tour guide made a point of thanking us numerous
times for coming and for being season ticket holders.
It was mentioned by our tour guide that the ushers don’t
wear “Phillie Red” jackets. The color is “Brick”. It “goes
better” with the green seats and the charcoal steel work.
Maybe it does from an architectural viewpoint, but only
if the architect isn’t a Met fan. Unfortunately, the brick
jackets will be back in 2010.
There will be one fashion improvement next season.
The parking attendants will be in orange and blue.
Here’s a picture of the staircases painted orange.
Jimmy frames a shot really well. Great picture! Still no Seaver statue.Mr. Met shows off the hardware from 69 and 86. We could use another of these.
Jimmy says “here’s the snacks I got for my eight grand.”This is the “noise” guy. I want to boo him but he’s just a guy trying to earn a living, right? Dave Howard could walk in the room and say “hey back off the noise, let’s play some more organ music” so I won’t bust this employee too hard….but I hate your work sir.
More tomorrow when we head to the player’s clubhouse. Very cool stuff tomorrow!
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