Meet the Mets Bloggers is powered by you. If you would like your blog mentioned, email [email protected], and since you’re a blogger, make my life easy and format it nicely so I can just hit CTRL-V. Here’s Jason
1. Who are you and what’s the name of your blog?
I am Jason Cronk and my blog is Home Run Apple, which I started writing in October of 2009 and really got off the ground by moving to WordPress in December 2009.
2. What kind of things can we find on your site?
For this question, I’m basically going to condense my “About” page:
I aim to make daily comments on the Mets successes and failures. From the field to the front office, anything Mets will be discussed. Among the many wonderful Mets blogs out there, my goal will be to keep my posts interesting and my opinions original. It won’t always be Met-centric here, however, as I will take the time to write about goings on in baseball and trash on our rivals, but the blue and orange will be the main topic of discussion. Let’s Go Mets!
3. Expectations for 2010?
From what I’ve been reading over the course of the offseason, my expectations are higher than most other Mets fans. I’ll pull a Francesa here. If you come visit my blog, you’ll get to see my detailed opinions!
I love how “pull a Francesa” is now part of the lexicon.
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