Walt’s Unofficial June Mets attendance

The team played well for a month, and the weather warmed up..let’s see how the crowds were.   Here’s Walt’s unofficial June attendance report:

June attendance was slightly lower than May. But, those numbers were skewed somewhat by the Yankees’ series. Also, I believe weather did lower attendance in a number of games (either actual or the prospect of). Judging attendance against game day weather might be a nice little project (for someone else..LOL).

Citi Field is currently running 11th in MLB Total Attendance, Average Per Game, and Percentage of Capacity. ( http://es.pn/bKuv2 )

While there is still some variance in the number of games played for each team, any major change in Citi’s placement definitely rests on fans perception that the Mets are contenders.

Well, that’s todays observations by a bored Mets fan, 850 miles from Citi Field.


Walt also made this pretty sheet below.  All numbers are Walt’s and I haven’t fact-checked them, so please just use for discussion purposes only.  I’m looking forward to the monthly “by uniform” calendar.

5 Replies to “Walt’s Unofficial June Mets attendance”

  1. Great job, Walt. I think we’d all agree that a per-game average of 33,000+ for a New York team in a pennant race is disturbing. I wonder what this team has to do to sell out.

    1. Have to remember Mets started June at 26-26 after a 12-17 May that ended on a 2-4 road trip against the Brewers & Padres.
      If not for taking the Yankees 2-1, and the “Goose Egg Sweep” of the Phillies, I wouldn’t have been surprised in June had opened in the high 20’s instead of the low 30’s.

  2. 2.6? Well, if the Mets are 10 games over (or better) after they get back from the west coast they’ll go way over that number. I know I’ve already started to consider a remainder of the season ticket package but am holding off till they’re back from the wrong coast.

    1. I agree, numbers should improve is the Mets stay in the fight.
      I believe the team projected 3 million as a planning factor before the season. That just isn’t going to happen. They would have to average around 42K for the rest of the way at home.

  3. EdQ, no need to buy a package for the remainder of the season. The Mets often charge you MORE for the privilege of doing so and you don’t really get a benefit for it.

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