My buddy Mike from GooglingGod mentioned Doug Flynn’s dog to me…..
Woody looks like he was a cool cool dog. Mike also pointed me toward these t-shirts!
That got me wanting to google “Tom Seaver dog” to see what might pop=up (Flynn came over in the Seaver deal) and of all things that came up was this picture of Greg from Faith and Fear! Well Greg, since I labeled the pic “seaver dog” you will forever be associated with The Franchise’s Puppy on the intertubes.
And with this…we are one post closer to Opening Day!
like the seaver blow up base ball card.
i can still smell the stick of bubble gum that was included in the pack!
because topps was based in brooklyn,when you look at base ball cards from the 60’s and 70’s,they were always taken at shea and yankee stadiums!