The Dugout Bar where every day is Banner Day

(reposting because it is cool and got knocked off the front page kinda quickly)

Another hookup from who says Ron Swoboda and Ed Kranepool owned this place…

I love the “Every Day is Banner Day” slogan. There’s a place called Dave’s that uses the opposite slogan but I hear the owner is a nice guy.

3 Replies to “The Dugout Bar where every day is Banner Day”

  1. i remember that ad from a mets year book.
    cleon jones and tommie agee had a club called out fielders lounge on astoria blvd. and 112th street right across from shea.saw a lot of visiting team players come through.

  2. hey shannon you never gave me credit for the pik..;-{

    you can make it up to me by sending me the new mets book if you like..;-}

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