Colactus, realizing there was a losing streak in black uniforms, switched back to the official road uniforms.
I dont know if that’s actually how the decision was made, but it’s some sort of progress.

What Mets fans talk about when not talking about the actual games.
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serenity, now?
Serenity but not in the peaceful way – in the “this game is 8-0 I’m going to watch Firefly” way
You know, I actually like the black jerseys better than the “halfway” look of the official road uniforms. The black jersey / black cap / black socks look works, though it’s not my first choice. The grey/blue/black mish-mosh is a mess (just like the team was tonight.)
I don’t know if I’d go that far. For the home unis, I totally agree, but the difference between the blacks and the mishmash isn’t as stark on the road as it is at home. The black tops with the white pants look 100 times better than the Butt-Ugly Hybrid Look, but the black tops and grey pants don’t play off each other as well.
Come to think of it, I don’t think they’ve ever worn the greys with the two-tone cap and blue sleeves/belts/socks. I’m pretty sure the black accessories preceded the hybrid being worn on the road. Trying that would at least be a step in the right direction.