Is Carlos Beltran a Hall of Famer?

Yesterday on twitter (@metspolice) I saw some discussion about Carlos Beltran being a Hall of Famer.

Since I had never ever heard that mentioned even once while he was on the Mets I was quite surprised.

I’m sure y’all can pull out all sorts of stats, especially those newfangled “advanced” stats that will “prove” he should be in – I go with my old standby…my eyes.

Simple enough, since nobody ever mentioned the possibility to me, and I never thought it once – he isn’t a Hall of Famer.

A good player, maybe even good enough for the Hall of Garvey (where Mattingly, Hernandez and Gooden live) but not the one in Cooperstown.


7 Replies to “Is Carlos Beltran a Hall of Famer?”

  1. I’ve thought about it. His Mets days are Hall of Fame days. Was it enough? I think he’d be a little shy right now, but 2-3 more years like this would do it, especially if coupled with 2-3 years of compiling afterwards.

    He’s about to join (probably early next year) some exclusive company. He needs 5 more HR and 8 more SB for the 300/300 club.

    1 Barry Bonds
    2 Bobby Bonds
    3 Andre Dawson
    4 Steve Finley
    5 Willie Mays
    6 Alex Rodriguez
    7 Reggie Sanders

    8 Carlos Beltran

    1. oh oh, don’t forget his legendary 1.3 OPS in the playoffs. Highest in baseball history among players with at least 20 games played.

      1. And he’s one of the most successful basestealers of _all-time_. Of guys with at least 100 SB, only Chase Utley is better (and he only recently got 100. Carlos has 292! because he actually is/was a basestealer, not just a guy that took the opportune base)

  2. “Sure, these newfangled ‘advanced’ medical tests might say that you have cancer, but I’ll go with my standby – my eyes – and they say you’re cancer free”

    “Sure, these newfangled ‘advanced’ computer programs might say you’re investment portfolio is going down the tubes, but I’ll go with my standby – my eyes – and they say you’ll be a billionaire soon”

    Oh, anti-intellectualism, why are you so rampant?

    If he has 2-3 more solid years he should make it.

  3. No…However he is a shoe in for the Hall of the Very Good. 1st ballot for that one. Bernie Williams won’t make it either and they are comparable in most categories except rings.

  4. If Beltran retired today, I wouldn’t put him in the Hall of Fame. Give him two or three All-Star caliber seasons and some more playoff heroics, then I’d have to reconsider.

    As soon as Beltran retires, he should be inducted into the Mets Hall of Fame.

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