Good catch by Media Goon – this one has been flying below the radar.
BARK IN THE PARK 2, presented by Natural Balance
Saturday, September 10, 1:10 p.m.
vs. Chicago Cubs
The Mets would like to welcome you to Bark In The Park 2 at Citi Field presented by Natural Balance Pet Foods! Support the largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization in the world.
Join the Mets and Natural Balance Pet Foods as we enjoy a ballgame with our dogs.
Sit together with fellow dog lovers in designated Pepsi Porch seats. The entire profit of the dog ticket and a portion of the human ticket will benefit the North Shore Animal League. Dogs will only be allowed in the Pepsi Porch area at Citi Field.
Each person will receive a Mets Lanyard and Ticket Holder with advance purchase.
Report to the Bullpen Gate by noon with your tickets in hand to participate in the Dog Parade (weather permitting). If you are not participating in the parade, please continue to only enter via the Bullpen Gate. This gate opens at 11:40 a.m.

The “Wild Dogs” around shea 2 are foaming at the mouth about this game!…..Who let the dogs out?
Mets still undefeated at Bark in the Park???……Must be the intimidation factor with the wild dogs!
I wonder if the dog tickets will go toward the paid attendance figures.
“Take your dogs to meet our dogs” –
Like shooting fish in a barrel.
Catch the Rising Stick
Our team, our time, dogs bark!
Meet the Mutts!