Mets Ticket Office Calling for Deposits

I received a phone call from my ticket rep the other day telling me the Mets were accepting deposits for their partial season plans for next season. I really enjoy where my seats are and even though I complain that it ends up being a Sunday plus plan and not just all Sundays, I put my deposit down. He told me that the plan info will be released near the end of November. He also said that when that info is released I will have the option of keeping or moving my seats. I am pretty sure I will be keeping my seats though.

12 Replies to “Mets Ticket Office Calling for Deposits”

  1. Worst possible value – buying Wilpon tickets. Personally, i would throw my money into an incinerator before giving it to the Mets organization.

      1. If you don’t attend the games and spend money, where will the money come from to sign players?

    1. No confirmation on the plans yet. I tried poking around about it, but the rep said they will be announced at end of November.

  2. Absolutely rediculous of them to ask for money before announcing any plan details. I’m very much on the fence and the difference between 10/5, 13/2, or 13/0 would make the decision really easy for me.

    1. You could hold off until they are announced though if you are on the fence. I like where my seats are, and I enjoy the game experience when I go to the game. I was going to renew anyway so I don’t mind putting a deposit down.

      1. I asked. They said they were trying to tweak the plans. But no announcements till the end of November.

  3. I also “just like attending baseball games”. But at some point it makes more sense to go the stubhub route (especially late in the season) rather than plunk down money on a ticket plan. I think if they keep the 10/5 split that will be the breaking point for me not to re-up.

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