Look at Bobby Valentine’s Mets cap

From osh41. I don’t recall this but he says it was the BP Cap one year.

This was actually scheduled to be the lead-off for the morning! I’m not even being opportunistic (well maybe a little to hit the 10pm crowd googling his name.)

FYI for you internet explorer types, I did some debugging again tonight. Hopefully you will find the site loading quickly and un-buggy. Lemme know either way at [email protected]

4 Replies to “Look at Bobby Valentine’s Mets cap”

  1. When I lived in Manhattan, Bobby lived on my block…ran into him a few times and he was always nice. I’ll never forget the time I saw him leaving an Italian restaurant with his wife and another couple…it was Friday, October 20, 2000…the Subway series was to begin the next night. I said “win it for us Bobby”…he said “We’re going to try our best.”

    Good luck to him.

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