Dear Colactus,
Look at this picture.
It doesn’t look right, does it?
You know why?
The season is off to a fine start and this kid is playing so well I can even spell Nieuwenhuis without looking. (I think).
I was kind of excited for Andres Torres during the off-season, but ask yourself this – is there any chance he can play BETTER than Captain Kirk? No.
If you don’t think you can lose a job to injury go interview Joe Montana.
Leave Kirk in the center. It’s where he belongs. You’ll be putting him back where he belongs as soon as V’Ger or a Whale Probe attacks Earth anyway.
I’m wondering how the non-boycotting protesters are doing. You know, the whole negative nellie crowd from the off-season. I hope they aren’t watching Mets baseball.
I don’t want to see a single beat writer tweeting negative Jose Reyes stats after the winter those guys had. The Mets ae cheap and the Wilpons are stupid. Stick to your storyline beat writers.
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