Filmed throughout the 2011 season with extraordinary access from Major League Baseball, the story follows 37 year-old R.A. Dickey (New York Mets, now a 2012 All-Star) and 18-year veteran Tim Wakefield (now retired), the oldest player in the major leagues and an icon of the Boston Red Sox. Knuckleball! details their personal and professional triumphs of the season, while exploring the bond between these two active pitchers and their only allies, the five living retired knuckleballers: Hall of Famer Phil Niekro, Charlie Hough, Wilbur Wood, Jim Bouton and Tom Candiotti. Knuckleball! tells the story of these extraordinary men, and the sacrifices they made to a pitch that would come to define their lives.
The film will be coming to VOD on September 18th and the IFC Theater in NYC on September 20th.
There are two showings for charity at the IFC theater for Sept 20th. Get tickets here. The movie will also have regular screenings at the IFC all week.