Advertise for less than the cost of one Opening Day ticket!

Opening Day tickets start at $63.  For $13 less you could have a snazzy 300×250 sidebar ad on for an entire month!  There’s no contract, no commitment.  Try it for a month and if you’d like to continue then we continue.  If it sucked for you then that’s it, no hard feelings on either side.

$50, reach Mets fans, here’s the real numbers for Sandy affected November.

Included is a post to the site welcoming the new advertiser.

If interested email me at [email protected]   MetsPolice is not interested in advertising gambling sites but happy to advertise your bar, lawyer service, video dubbing service, car service, Christmas store or whatever else ya got.


Continued thanks to our sponsors..

Stitches – that’s where the Mets and the Mets Police get their jerseys done. You should too.

STH Extras – a season ticket holder who is looking to sell his extras so he can pass the season discount along to you.

And our buddies over at The 7 Line because it’s just a matter of time until we ask Darren to help us with some t-shirts again.