2012 MetsPolice Mazzilli Awards: Gunslinger of the year nominees

imagesThe nominees for Gunslinger of the year are…

Mike Silva

Corey NYC

Howard Megdal

Tom Watson

Mark Healey

The Gunslinger of The Year is awarded to the most fearless and feistiest of Mets fans….and this year seems focused on twitter.


We are still working on the live ceremony….could be January 5th.  Stay tuned!

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2 Replies to “2012 MetsPolice Mazzilli Awards: Gunslinger of the year nominees”

  1. It’s Megdal. Feared in the Mets offices. Banned by Cerrone from MetsBlog and his personal Twitter feed. But on point especially about the Wilpons’ financial issues. Yes, that nagging things no one wants to hear or read about but are the core of everything Mets since December 11, 2008.

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