The blog sure is getting bigger – people were surprised I didn’t really comment on the new cap. So I shall. Photo courtesy of MetsBlog.

Logo: the white outline on the NY muddies the look. Much like my complaint about how the NY didn’t “pop” on the old black/blue hydid caps, these have the same problem.
Colors: while I am confident that all the blues are the same. Dave Howard actually educated me on color adjacency. The blue on the jersey is up against white so it looks darker than the blue on the cap which is next to orange. While it’s probably actually the same, it looks like a lighter blue.
Overall: I definitely don’t love it, but I don’t hate it. It’s a little too “softball” for a major league baseball team. These might look much better with the blue jerseys, which I am sure we will find out before 162 games are played.
These should only be warn with the blue jerseys!! The white and creme the traditional hat should be worn. I hope they dont do like the black/blue hybrid where it became the dominate hat worn! The blue is the cap she be worn no less than 75% of the time!
Dam auto correct
I really wish the snow whites would just go away! The Mets’ look is already diluted with the sheer amount of unis. Pinstripes at home and the beautiful road greys on the road with blue alts thrown in conservatively. That’s more than enough we don’t need two ‘white’ home jerseys.
Besides the snow whites just aren’t as good as the classic pinstripes. Let’s face it the Mets are a pinstripe team. So stick to them.
Agree completely
Why is it that anything non-traditional ends up being “softball”.
My problem lately with our gear is that the blue is now a royal blue and it shouldn’t be. It should be a lighter blue, like the LA Dodgers’ blue (“cobalt blue” ?) as the blue comes from the Dodgers and the orange from the Giants. When I went back and looked at some of the stuff I have from the 1980s and before, I notice that the blue isn’t as dark as it is now. Even the new jersey looks royal blue. Gotta go back to the way it was, the colors we’re meant to have.
And I like the new cap. Our colors are orange and blue — where did the black come in? — and the cap reflects that. The team looked good last night in their white uniform and the new hat; thought we looked sharp.
Everything should look the same as it did when Gil Hodges was managing the team.
The fitted is…..meh…OK….First off, it should only be worn with the Blue Alts/HOME version…Not with the snow whites which, by the way, look awesome with the traditional Blue fitted.
In regards to the color Blue; Mets Blue is really loud! Compare it to the Dodgers Blue and you will notice a stark difference. Mets Blue should be identical to Dodgers Blue, since that is where the color came from.
Mets blue tends be brighter/louder. Trust me compare it to Dodgers Blue, you will immediately notice the difference.
Yep, should be IDENTICAL to the Dodgers’ blue. Get working on that, Mets Police ASAP. 🙂
Don’t like the cream color jerseys, either. They look dingey, especially since we have a white uniform. It has a dirty look to it. Either one or the other: white or cream color, not both. And while we’re at it, even though I have a black jersey and they’re easier to keep clean, they’ve gotta go. Black isn’t one of our colors and you can’t just throw a new color in the mix after 50 years of orange and blue.
I agree that the white trim in the “NY” messes it up, but it’s not awful. I also agree that this might look better with the blue tops. Get rid of the white trim though.
the hat is blue with a range bill. the ny should have been all white.
the hat is blue with an orange bill. the ny should have been all white.
I would love the Mets to only wear the pinstripes. However, I’m not totally against the white unis. I would like to see the blue piping gone like the Dodgers and Giants. Also, use the creme color on the non pinstripe jersey like the pinstripe uni and Giants.
I can live with the new cap but lose the white outline. Also lose the orange button on top of all the caps.
One other thing. I would love to get rid of New York on the road grey jersey and just put the Mets script on it like they wore for the final time back during the 1986 championship year. Everybody knows the Mets are from New York. They wear “NY” on their caps.
Can’t roll with you on the no New York. It looks way better with the road letters
Sorry, but when I see pinstripes I think of those idiots in the Bronx. We need a look all our own. I like the grey road jerseys; I love the new blue jersey and the white always looks sharp. But we need an orange jersey, just like the Giants have.