5 Replies to “Here’s why Keith Hernandez is just more awesomer than you”

  1. I don’t get it. Why does Keith now look like Severus Snape?

    “Why isn’t he hitting .394?”

  2. He certainly doesn’t look awesome here. Wow — it must be true what they say, that men resemble women as they get older and vice versa (see Paul McCartney). Keith used to be SO good-looking! What the f@ck happened?!?! It’s gotta be more than just the mustache being gone — it’s called old age. Ugh. You’ve ruined my day. πŸ™‚

    By the way, what’s the blonde poofy thing at the top/back of his head?!? It looks like he let his hair grow, partially dyed it blonde and then pulled it back into a poor excuse of a ponytail. Hey, Keith, check out the mirrors before walking out the door. Good grief!

      1. Wow, Mike, you’re WAY too sensitive!! I knew that — I was just goofing on Keith. No one’s a bigger Keith Hernandez fan than me and as such, I’ve earned the right to goof on him. You need a thicker skin. πŸ™‚

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