You WILL be there on Saturday and you WILL have a Banner!
Fans planning on participating in the pre-game, on-field parade on May 11, should follow these guidelines:
- Banner Day participants must have tickets to the game
- Participants must check in at the Bullpen Plaza on 126th Street at 37th Avenue
- Registration begins at 10:00 a.m. Space is limited.
- Banners must be bigger than 22” by 28”
- Banners cannot have vulgar or abusive language
- Banners can be commercially produced, but can’t have commercial messages (Web sites or Twitter handles are not allowed)
- There is a maximum of four people per banner
- The Mets reserve the right to deny access to the field to any banner or person that is deemed inappropriate
And I WILL say hello! I’m not stalker-y, promise. 🙂