Fun times yesterday at Wrigley even though the Mets lost. Darren from The 7 Line has a nice little following that even came all the way out to Chicago to root for our Mets. Wrigley for being an old stadium was a lot of fun.
I am in shock with how nice all the ushers/stadium personnel were at Wrigley. From being told you basically can’t breathe at times at Citi Field it was great to see a team that “gets” how to treat it’s fans. The ushers told you the best places to get the better pictures, they stopped us just to have small talk with us, even heard, “Hey, want me to take a pic of you with your camera?” a ton of times. Mets you could learn a lot from these guys in terms of how to deal with your fans at the park.
So, I just woke up and this is just a quick run down of my thoughts as I just woke up from yesterday. I will either write another post later today in airport or tomorrow while I am at work. In the meantime, here are some pics…

Just ask a Citi Field usher in an unguarded moment on how they were reamed by the Wilpons when the operation moved from Shea to Not Shea. Then you’ll know why most Debits Field ushers are lazy and surly. Wrigley’s people are unfailingly fun no matter where you sit: upper deck, bleachers, 10 rows from home plate.
I’ve never had much of a problem with Citi Field ushers, but I believe that they’re not as friendly as Wrigley ushers.
This may sound far-fetched, it’s only my experience, but I would say that Midwest teams in general treat fans FAR better than northeast teams do. The Brewers, for example, give their fans much more bargains and deals than the Mets do, and with both teams at the competitive level that they are, you see the difference in crowd sizes. The Brewers take in 35-40,000 a game in one of the smallest markets; the Mets can’t get their brand new ballpark with awesome food half full in the biggest market. I’m sure the attitude towards fans is no small part of that.
I don’t usually have a problem with ushers anywhere…but yes, they go above and beyond in some ballparks. The Nationals employees are really wonderful, and the Orioles’ people are pretty nice too.
Great point about the Wrigley Field ushers. They can not do enough for you. I actually forgot about that since I was there.
The best treatment in any ballpark anywhere!