Hey guys – I will do a bigger push soon (shocking!) but I just popped into Amazon and I see that Send The Beer Guy is available!
($9.49 if you have Amazon Prime). The eBook is still $2.99
I hope you’ll pick up a copy and leave a review
Re Pricing: actual books need to be manufactured and shipped. Of the $9.99, $3.25 will go to me, and from there I am taxed. But yes this is a money-making venture as is the entire blog. I get like $2 from each eBook sale.
The print version has a simple cover. Long story but the short version is it took me two months to edit/format the final 40 pages and I didn’t want to obsess over getting a perfect cover that meets Amazon’s resoluation standards (the pic of my from the 1980s failed several attempts). That’s on my list of projects. Again – the cover on the right is the ebook version, the print version has a generic cover.
I just read the first few pages and think i’d prefer to watch the WNBA instead.
Cool. So can you tell us what happened in those pages and what points you didn’t like about it? I am curious because when I write my book, I don’t want to make the same mistakes as Shannon.