Is Daniel Murphy being annoying to the Mets media?

daniel murphy camo tee

Some interesting things on Kevin Kernan’s twitter feed last night.






Sooooo since I was asked what I think.

– I am not in the clubhouse so I don’t know how Murphy behaves with the media.

– I don’t see any reason Kernan would randomly make this up on a Thursday night, so something must have happened.

– The media have a job to do.  Ballplayers should understand this.  Ballplayers should understand that the media helps the ballplayers make a lot of money.  So assuming Murph is making it hard for people to do their job, he should cut it out.

– I am trying to be fair and include the tweets in order (I hope I got it right, the twitter interface can be confusing when you go back) and showing you what Kevin was replying to…….

– … is the “false hustle” thing at Murphy?  While I am not in the clubhouse I do put a lot of eyeball time on gameplay and if we’re going to get on Murphy for not playing hard then I am just confused.

6 Replies to “Is Daniel Murphy being annoying to the Mets media?”

  1. I’m not even sure how to fairly judge the difference between Murphy playing hard or not.  Likeable guy with a good bat, but he’s got a catcher’s speed and the range of a baked potato.

  2. metspolice I asked WheresKernan – he said he meant Murph “false hustles” just in clubhouse. Odd… how do u “fake work” where u hang out?

  3. .verceman WheresKernan my friend did it. He always walked around with a clip board and looked like he was on his way to a meeting.

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