So here is today’s must-read and the topic that will dominate all day. I love my Mets.
My question is when will Jeff order the GM to get Harvey out of the organization? The Mets don’t seem to like rabble rousers who do things like calmly talk to a reporter by a locker.
On the other hand, back to Osh41’s comment about Matt wanting to be like Jeter...I still say Matt wants to be Joe Namath.
Here’s Adam Rubin discussing the story…
metspolice Are you “trolling” the Great Harvey??? Don’t you know he can STILL throw better than you and that he’s a MILLIONAIRE? You TROLL!
metspolice I think it’s more of a Media trying to prove how inept Mets management is more than a MattHarvey33 controversy
Bucabear metspolice Jay_HorwitzPR on MattHarvey33 faster than MetsGM on a shortstop. Mets priorities: interview filter > winning games