I dunno, I read the article and this just doesn’t ring true to me. It sounds to my ear like a well crafted tale you tell at the bar. I’ll probably catch guff for saying this, but that was my own personal reaction which doesn’t mean the story isn’t true. Read the full thing in the Daily News…the part about the rules around Clinton ring true but then we get this scene from Sorkin.
“Approach the president, and we go for the kill shot,” he repeats. “ARE–WE–CLEAR?”
So let’s say Mr. Met loses his mind and walks down the aisle to shake Clinton’s hand. A sniper is going to shoot and kill Mr. Met in front of 50,000 people on Jackie Robinson Night on national TV?
He won’t be tackled. He won’t be intercepted quietly. Mr. Met will be shot and killed by a sniper in a situation with 50,000 moving parts. Are we clear?