Mets 2015 Marketing: come see the Red Sox and Yankees

Interesting graphic the Mets just tweeted out.  Not many players in this.  Is Matt Harvey not coming back?  Isn’t David Wright going to be on the team?  Oooh fireworks.  Catch the Rising Magic!

mets 2015

6 Replies to “Mets 2015 Marketing: come see the Red Sox and Yankees”

  1. metspolice Maybe they’ll finally trade #GoldenBoy. And god forbid they use Murphy on any promo material

  2. aaguero9 metspolice I’m surprised you haven’t changed your allegiance to the Nationals yet

  3. lagranderusty metspolice at least they have a leader w balls, even if he’s had a disappointing season #ImWithBryce

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