If the Caps can have a 24/7 radio station surely the Mets could.
The Mets are partnered with iHeartMedia…which has an iHeart app. It would not be too much of a stretch to repurpose some SNY content, some of the SNY podcasts, and maybe do an original or two to create this.
You’d have that awkwardness where you wouldn’t have the games, but it sure would be a fun option to have when driving around. (You do know how to connect your phone to your dashboard, right?). It might even be a good use for one of those HD-2 or HD-3 signals.
Caps Radio 24/7 — available for free via the Caps Mobile and Tune In Radio apps, as well as WashingtonCaps.com — will feature the “sounds of the organization,” including songs played inside Verizon Center during games, the favorite music of Capitals players, coaches and fans, and game broadcasts from the pregame show through the postgame show.
Update: Thanks to @NickR83 for pointing out THE PHILLIES have their own radio station.