Terry Watch Watch: is Terry getting to the pride phase?

The Terry Watch Watch watches to see what others are saying about a possible Terry Watch
The Terry Watch Watch watches to see what others are saying about a possible Terry Watch

I saw this sentiment a few times on the inter webs this week: Is TC going to let Sandy jerk him around so he can collect three months of one last paycheck, possibly make the playoffs – or is he nobody’s fool and will publicly challenge Sandy and thus dare the GM to fire him?

Sandy would presumably have cover by dragging up how Terry has supposedly lost clubhouses before. Might Bob Geren lead our heroes to the playoffs?

The Terry Watch Watch is on.

As much as Terry can sometimes frustrate me (Murph should bat second and used to play second until the Mets really needed a third baseman, and Granderson leadoff drives me nuts), it’s hard to kill a guy who has the team in first place playing a AAAA roster (whose job is that again?) with a rotation plan that changes by the hour.

This morning TC has a 1,5 game lead.  It’s an ugly 1.5 lead that feels like it should be eight but most of the time feels like they should be eight back.   Maybe it’s time we say, “Good job, Terry” and wonder if the front office can get their act together.

Now it’s becoming abundantly clear that there is a yawning chasm between himself and his bosses and it’s incrementally coming out in public undertones of displeasure. By mid-summer, if this continues, Collins might just dare Alderson to fire him

Source: Terry Collins sounds like he’s had enough | PAULLEBOWITZ.COM

