What started off as a fun time in the parking lot where Braves fans and the security patrolling the lot were friendly and having a good time turned into one of my worst experiences I’ve had at a ballpark. Hell, even Philly was better then this. Chicago, Pittsburgh have easily been the best and most fun I’ve been to, but Atlanta has left a bad taste in my mouth.
The security personnel were taunting us with the chop( I thought security was supposed to be impartial and pay attention to security risks). We were spit at, had stuff thrown at us, and I was even hit at one point on purpose when I was trying to take pics.
The Atlanta fans complained about the 7line fans being too loud. What is this golf? The security made the 7linearmy stop using the thundersticks but they continued to antagonize us fans with the chop. Yes. The security. The fans came out of their way to come to our section and get into mets fans faces. When we complained nothing was done. Nothing. This was actually a well behaved group of mets fans that gathered last night and wanted just to have fun and cheer.
Now don’t get me wrong, I did meet quite a few Braves fans though out the day that were pretty cool, but the bad totally outweighed the good.
Win or lose I usually enjoy myself at games. Not this time.
Anyone who wants to complain to the Braves about last night’s game here is the link- Braves complaint email/phone number
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
The thundersticks are clearly a prohibited item, yet you all chose to bring them in anyway. I have no problem with them being confiscated or with security telling you guys to cut it out. When you’re a guest in someone else’s ballpark, follow the rules. If you insist on using thundersticks, go to a different ballpark that will allow them and the Braves miss out on 1,000 ticket sales.
Also, doing the Tomahawk chop when the Mets tied the game is going to invite a certain amount of folks to your section with a few choice words. You accept that when you taunt the fans of the other team, even when no ill will is intended.
That said, Security should have been responsive and it sounds like they were quite the opposite. Them taunting you guys back and not dealing with the idiots is ridiculous and I hope you all formally complain and that the Braves do something about it. It is not the right way to treat people, and it’s not like people are banging down the doors trying to get in that stadium. Whether the team likes it or not, they have to play in that ballpark two more years. If they keep doing things like you described, they won’t have any fans left when they open the new one.
By the way, I used “you” in the plural, not in the singular. I obviously have no idea what you personally did or didn’t do. Just wanted to clarify.
I agree with you about the chop with some 7line fans doing it, but that was in response to what was going on with security and the fans. The ticket rep who sold Darren the tickets okayed the sticks
If Security OK’d the sticks, then somebody really blew it and they owe you guys an apology.
SheaDugout Mediagoon I found the good to far outweigh the bad last night. Braves fans, staff, and security seemed to enjoy us being there.
JohnCropp Mediagoon agree, but the bad was bad.
By total contrast, I think it’s worth noting that I went to Toronto for the series before Atlanta with another Met fan from NY and a third who currently lives in Ontario. The experience there couldn’t have been better. Despite the fact that we got ABSOLUTELY clobbered, no one broke our balls. One can goof that maybe it’s because they are passive Canadians, but I went to a country bar after the game and still saw a packed place having a good time and never got the sense that there was ever going to be hostility or fights, either with or without us. I bet if I went to a country bar in Atlanta after that game, I wouldn’t have felt as safe and comfortable.
That being said, It’s insane that there was a movement by security to quiet the group. It’s unacceptable, assuming that it was non abusive language cheering. I implore any fans that were there and experienced the same behavior to call and complain. Good look guys…
RangerMan74 Pittsburgh, Wrigley, Miami, were all fun fans too, they got a kick out of the fact that so many Mets fans went to a game together. The Pittsburgh fans would bust chops for the first 30 seconds of a conversation and then just hang out talking sports. The Fans at Wrigley couldn’t have been nicer, even the folks at Miami hung out with us at the Clevelander at the ball park. In Philly the security staff was located near us the whole time and even with that the a lot of the “mean” Phillies fans just had fun with it. I missed the trip to SF and haven’t gone to Yankees Stadium outings but every trip has been a blast. A lot of the Atlanta fans were cool, but when the security was acting the way it was it just encourages bad outcomes.,,,
i can tell you that the actual worst stadium is dodger stadium. i went there with my mets gear on, and i was literally in fear for my life. i was told i would be pissed on after i left the game and had to wait for a friend in the parking lot (not my friend anymore because they didn’t want to leave with me, even though i was really being attacked). i had people screaming at me with their fingers coming within centimeters from my face. it was the most insane thing i had ever seen, and we were losing! imagine if the mets were winning? i will never in my life go to a dodger met game again. on the other hand, i have been to several giants/mets games and have never had any problems. fans are good natured and whenever there’s been trouble in general, security is responsive.