Dear Matt Harvey and the Mets,
Yesterday I was driving with my twelve year old, and in the middle of our conversation I almost absent-mindedly said, “Did you see the Matt Harvey thing?” Then I realized how wildly inappro…
I thought about writing that letter.
Then I realized, I know better. The Mets won’t give a f*ck and Matt Harvey clearly does not give a f*ck.
Here’s the real deal, and I know it, we all know it, and we all sometimes forget it.
Baseball is a business. It’s not some sort of public trust. We can romanticize it with all the Ken Burns documentaries we want, but at the end of the day it is about dollars, and sometimes not even baseball dollars (cough, mall.)
The Mets are likely to sell the most tickets they have since moving to Citi Field. Surely the most in years.
Winning washes away all the stink. You don’t see any billboards. Nobody has Wilpon rage. People who had sworn off the team are now “back.”
The Mets are the NL Champions. The Mets will be the sexy pick. The Wilpons are being applauded for opening their wallets.
You think anyone in marketing cares that I can’t talk to a 12 year old about a star player? They care how many tickets moved. End of story. I’m not going to waste my breath waxing poetic about The Brand or about fathers and sons at a baseball game.