Royals mad at Mets about something

I see EVERY OTHER BLOG has a piece about this, so I guess the Laws Of Blogging mean that I have to do my Me Too piece.

Something something Newsday quotes “industry sources” (WHAT?) as saying the Royals want to get the Mets back for Syndergaard throwing inside on someone or something.

Whatever the hell happened that the Royals are mad about, I don’t even remember it.  What happened?  Why do I care?

Here’s what the Mets should do.  Mr. Dark Knight should throw his first pitch way inside.  I’m not saying hit anyone, just throw way inside.  Then step off and glare in.  Eff Off Royals.

matt harvey

Speaking of retaliation…how does it work now with Chase Utley?  Do the Mets have to get him back for injuring the Cardinals’ shortstop?  Is this a tribe thing?  If we vote someone off the island do we still stick up for the uniform?  Again, I say Matt show throw one inside, step off and glare.

matt harvey

In fact, I think Matt should throw inside on every team, then stop off and glare.  Let that be his thing.  I’d be down with that.

matt harvey