The Olympics are coming. What to do, what to do?
I really like watching the Mets, although they have been boring for about three weeks now including the Subway Seriezzzzz.
I really like watching the Olympics, and usually run the DVR on multiple channels all day and then catch up in the evening, skipping through all the commercials and Feature Stuff. (I also personally don’t like gymnastics or Winter Gymnastics aka figure skating, which makes it easy to blow through NBC Prime Time in about 7 minutes).
So, do I take a Mets holiday? Double sling box? DO 5 innings and bail?
After the Olympics the Mets head out West, so that’s another week of Mets TV Disruption.
I guess I’ll play it by ear, but Opening Ceremonies will beat Mets-Tigers, and I have plans tomorrow night. DVR’s gonna be mighty full.
What are your plans for watching the Mets or the Olympics?