Man, Jason Fry is having none of my crap this week!
What happens when one host is in a bad mood and the other rejects all his theories and premises? Can they agree on manager visits? Snoke theories? Can they finally come together to agree on the DH? And the truth about Shoetroopers revealed! Subscribe via Apple Podcasts:…id990303852?mt=2
00:00 Shoetroopers
03:00 General Mets Grumbling
09:00 Eliminating manager visits to the mound
14:00 $28 off tickets
15:00 does baseball have superstars? Is Mike Trout a superstar?
21:30 Here’s who Snoke really is!
23:00 Snoke is Leia!
24:00 Does Luke Skywalker have a water bottle in Episode 8?
28:00 Revenge of the Sith original ending
31:00 The Designated Hitter